health by design 


Explore your brilliant 

biology through:

  • fascinating stories
  • current research
  • successful traditions 

to give you the health of your life!

Want an education to keep you and your family healthy?

Confused by conflicting messages in the media?

Fascinated by the body's amazing design?

Listen often for the health of your life!

As a nutritional consultant I have seen what works and what doesn't adding a real-life perspective to research and history.

I am not a medical doctor.  See your MD if you want info on drugs or procedures they may offer.

Health by design podcast episodes

Listen to episode 1 to get the big picture... continue listening to get the health of your life!

Health By Design Podcast

View the infographic to get the big picture of the health by design podcast.

Can this mean the difference between life and death?  Sickness or health?  Research paints an amazing - and colorful - picture!

Ep.4 Is Your Food Tired from All That Traveling?

Reading labels 101, knowing the importance of how far your food travels and the first step to buying local for health.


Sabrina Jumping, No Background

Stay to the end for mind-blowing research!

Module 1 Perfect Health, Bacteria And Mitochondria

Ep.7 Metabolism pt2 Eat Good Fats and Know Your Enemies

Module 4 Cholesterol And Cardiovascular Issues

Ep.8 Do Genetics Determine Our Destiny?

Can we control our genes?  Research on epigenetics

3 Heart Coffees With Plants Nathan Dumlao 426648 Unsplash

Ep.9 Metabolism pt3 Benefits of Keto

Research on repairing metabolism after too many carbs and sugars or the Standard American Diet.

Module 1 Perfect Health, Bacteria And Mitochondria

Ep.10 Metabolism pt 4 Building Foods Ratio to Energy Foods

Dr. Price's Research on Native People Groups is So Important

Module 2 Exercise Pic

Ep.11 Fever What to do?

Recommendations from Dr. Mendelsohn's classic, How to Have a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor

Milk Thistle Flower With Butterfly By Sean Stratton Ff85l4v0wom Unsplash

Ep.12 How Emotions Can Contribute to Disease w/Marissa Lee


Do we have any control?

Nourish Ipad Mockup

Ep.13  HOPE - Body, Soul, Spirit w/Marissa Lee (Interview)

(to be released 04/26/22)

Where do we find hope?

Module 2 Exercise Pic

Ep.14 Metabolism pt 5  Preventing Aging, Age Spots, Disease - Nutrients to Help Your Liver Do Its Job

(to be released 05/03/22)

Clearest, most detailed research on liver nutrients I have ever seen!  I'm excited to share this with you!

Module 2 Exercise Pic

Ep.15 Metabolism pt 6  Nutrients to Help Your Liver Do Its Job

(to be released 05/10/22)

Clearest, most detailed research on liver nutrients I have ever seen!  I'm excited to share this with you!

Milk Thistle Flower With Butterfly By Sean Stratton Ff85l4v0wom Unsplash

Ep.16 Organ Strengtheners including Plant Based

(to be released 05/17/22)

Any requests?  If not, programming will continue as planned!

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Testimonials for the health by design podcast

Auténtic. Real honest. Work 100/ per cent What needed to be knowing. For everybody I am proud of you Cinthia. God bless you myla

Myla Sarah Michel

Thought Provoking!!! (5 Star)

Very informative w/ interesting historical references that encourage you to delve deeper and question current narratives! Bacteria never sounded so good! Thank you Cynthia for sharing your knowledge & resources! I look fwd to hearing more from you as you educate, bring awareness & balance to medical health ideas & issues

BeesSave (From Apple Podcasts)

You are a Bright Light

Hi Cynthia! Just listened to your intro pod and love your pillars and all the info you share in just 16 minutes. Your voice is soothing and compassionate which is great as you share! And I can "hear" you smiling :-) MUCHO CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It is a great journey you are embarking on! I am SOOO HAPPY for your Cynthia that you are shining a BRIGHT LIGHT on the Art of Healing through God's Natural Design! God Bless You & Your Work!

Caron G Rand

Sheds Light

Health by design challenges our health norms in America, and sheds light on a new way to approach health.

Maybe nutrition is more important than our health system makes it out to be?

Health by design provides research into the health of ancient civilizations, and modern natural remedies as it explores the common imbalances in the physical body.

If you see the problems in our modern health care system, this may be for you!

Robert C.

A good, scientific perspective

You are providing facts based on research which you note. You mention compromised immune systems and does science know. Maybe you were referring to this. Science provides a good basis for further research. What if we all listened to Fauci and his science. Follow the science blah blah blah. A lot of people did without truly understanding their bodies.

I think you give a good perspective. I was invested in what you were saying and want to know more, but it was not offensive as you further identify details about bacteria.

By identifying links for further research? Someone can fact check you and form their own opinion.

You clearly come from a scientific perspective that opens one's eyes about the healthy bacteria. Learned something new.

Will be praying for the success of the podcasts.

Jane H Bank Executive

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

-Thomas Jefferson

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Please tell us what you think!  We read and consider all input! 

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Img 6844
Cynthia Cruz

I am passionate about seeing more families enjoy real health!

Disrupting the medical system by educating people on truth.

I overcame many health challenges, helped others, & can help you!

AA in Child Development

Diploma of Comprehensive Nutrition

Diploma of Dietary Supplement Science

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