I'm Cynthia and I am glad you are here! The goal of this site and our courses is to inspire and give you tools to enjoy your best REAL HEALTH.
Real health begins by getting the mitochondria to work at their best.
With over thirty years exploring nutrition and ways to better health, including thirteen years at Clark's Nutritional Center as a Nutritional Consultant, let me walk beside you on your journey!
Keep our body working at its healthy best or rob yourself and your family of time and energy for ministry, work and relationships.
My goal is to help you reclaim your God-given, best possible level of health and have the energy and focus to fully live out the calling you have received -
Get healthier for you. Get healthier for the loved ones who depend upon you.
Get to your next level of health
with #HealthHacks and my help.
-- Cynthia
email me at cynthiac@socalgardenhealth.com with questions!