Health of the Host
Why a virus doesn't make everyone sick
The above video is one section of Module 1 in a 12 Module Course we created to help your young people learn REAL Health. If you are interested in more information on our courses, click here.
Health of the Host
Why a virus doesn't make everyone sick
We don't always get sick when we encounter a virus. Why not? Sometimes the most important thing is not the virus we encounter, but how healthy the host is.
What if you are the host. Your body is the host to trillions of bacteria - more bacteria than you have cells in your body! Did you know that is true? Keeping the balance of bacteria in your body to favor the beneficial bacteria is what keeps us healthy; this is what, in my opinion is more important than the virus you may be exposed to. Here's an example from our mini-farm to demonstrate why...

Health of the Host when the host is a Chicken
We were told to use antibiotics in the chick feed... but we chose a more natural route...
When our family got chickens. Learning to care for them naturally was a priority. Keeping their host healthy we were thinking could help prevent illness. We wanted to have healthy chickens, but we were told antibiotics were necessary to prevent problems. We decided to do all we could to promote beneficial bacteria and none of the things (like antibiotics) that could destroy beneficial bacteria in order to strengthen the health of the host - our chickens' hosts. Read on to learn what happened!

Health of the Host when exposed to a virus or pathogen
Parasites are not always an issue with proper management practices...
Parasites feed on the host of a particular animal. In my experience with humans, parasites usually afflict people under a lot of stress and eating a lot of sugar - both things that may compromise host health.
For example, with our chickens, coccidosis, a type of chicken parasite, caused a couple to die in the early years.
But we found that over time by focusing on a variety of animals in our yard, and keeping their hosts healthy, the issue was solved.
Coccidosis is the biggest problem when a parasite can jump from one host - or chicken - to the next host. Because we didn't have hundreds or thousands of chickens at one time, and they are free to roam a relatively large area, natural management practices made coccidosis on our mini-farm a non-issue.
Giving our chickens room to roam and promoting beneficial bacteria, and the health of their host, we never had another health issue with our chickens over the 15 years we had them.

health of the host Management Practices
Encourage beneficial bacteria in your yard to improve host health
Pay Dirt by J.I. Rodale is an amazing book because it helped me to make the quantum leap to thinking about gardening in terms of how healthy I can make the soil.
How healthy is your soil as the host?
Traditional gardeners and farmers think about how to increase N-P-K values to raise better crops. A beginner in organic gardening thinks in terms of N-P-K in the addition of bat guano – bone meal – ash. Pay Dirt helped me to grasp that the quantity of these elements is not as important if the soil is truly healthy.
Creating compost from a variety of materials can provide the microorganisms and “biologic life” that is what makes uptake of nutrients in the plant so much greater ~ even when less N-P-K is measurable. Could it be that, just like in the soil, the beneficial bacteria or biologic life in our bodies keeps the "bad bacteria" in check and plays a larger role in our level of health for our host than previously believed?!
Promoting beneficial Bacteria is just one way we keep our host healthy!
Who Discovered the Health of the Host matters?
Antoine Bechamp
During the time of Louis Pasteur there was a scientist named Antoine Bechamp. His work discovered and explored the blood, fibrin, albumin, hemoglobin, red blood cell structure, coagulation, fermentation, microzymas and bacteriology (now known better as probiotics and beneficial bacteria vs pathogens like anthrax.) A more contemporary researcher, Gaston Naessens ( discovered something he called "somatids" that may well have been the "microzymas" that Bechamp did so much research on.
Beneficial Bacteria
It is considered, "a vindication of Bechamp's theories, that many researchers over the course of the twentieth century and up to the present have arrived at conclusions in various disciplines that support the microzymian model.1"
Bechamp appears to have been ahead of his time in realizing that living organisms and organic materials are rich with life such as bacteria.
The medical establishment of his time was also disturbed by some of his discoveries as he had great success against diseases like cancer with electromagnetic frequencies.
Blood Coagulation & Fibrin
Bechamp was known for making more simple the enigma of how blood coagulates.
Bechamp showed that the alcoholic fermentation that might occur in beer, yeast, wines and sauerkraut, was a process very similar to human digestion. Today we realize that this is another foundational component to the health of the host.
Germ Theory
The theory that germs are what infect us and get us sick really bothered Bechamp, and had a lot to do with the controversy that sparked between him and Louis Pasteur (see plagiarism below.)
He has been known to have called the germ theory or microbian theory of disease as, "the greatest scientific silliness of the age." I realize this is hard to accept given that we have been told we are in a worldwide pandemic and we need to stay away from other people because they might be carrying germs.
Today, my thought is that there is some truth to the germ theory - in that we can get exposed to germs. But the important part that is left out of the media and government communications is that the health of our host is probably a more important factor than even what germs we are exposed to. It is the only possible explanation to why some who are exposed to a virus might become ill and why some who are exposed to the same virus may not become ill.
Maybe the deciding factor is the health of the host.
Bechamp found "moulds" or molds who were so identified because they could invert sugar, or convert it into a fermentation. These "granulations under certain conditions evolved into bacteria.1" Microbe became the word for this bacteria, but Bechamp always preferred that they be called microzymas.
"Pasteur never understood either the process of digestion nor that of fermentation, both of which processes were explained by Bechamp, and by a curious imbroglio (was it intentional?) both of these discoveries have been ascribed to Pasteur1."
I first heard this theory thirty years ago and have much time and experience with the world to ponder if this might be so. With all that we are learning in the media around us that is not true or might be slanted to preserve and promote a certain viewpoint, it is not so hard to see this as plausible...
The possibility of pleomorphism is worth pondering. Most people know that sugar feeds the fungus or "bad" bacteria candida. But worth noting is that many diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and cancer seem to have a candida related fungal overgrowth component.
In my experience I have also seen many of the above issues reversed when the "health of the host" or the mitochondrial health is restored. I believe this is the future of real health care.
Spontaneous Generation
Bechamp didn't buy into the idea of spontaneous generation - he was in good company as it became one of Newton's Laws. Pasteur, however believed it for much of his life.
Lister did many early antiseptic experiments or operations.
"the patients died in great numbers, so that it came to be a gruesome sort of medical joke to say that 'the operation was successful, but the patient died.' But Lister was a surgeon of great skill and observation, and he gradually reduced his employment of antiseptic material to the necessary and not too large dose, so that his operations 'were successful and his patients lived1.'"
During these days of Covid or the coronavirus we are doing mass experimentation with antisepsis or antibiotic sprays or antibacterial lotion. This has actually been recently proven dangerous to use too much and destroy too much of the beneficial bacteria that is so critical to the health of our host. We would be wise to stick to an alcohol base with maybe some essential oils when needed. Washing our hands has proven better than resorting to antibacterial lotions or soaps.
There is some controversy surrounding the work of Antoine Bechamp as some believe that Pasteur plagiarized and distorted much of Bechamp's work. One example given in the intro to Bechamp's translated work, The Blood, claims that while Bechamp was studying diseases silkworms could contract he found one was a parasite (see note above) and one was because the constitution or the health of the silkworm host was weakened.
When Pasteur was presenting a report to the Academy in his first work on silkworms he disagreed - denying that a parasite could be the problem and said Bechamp was, "in error." Later, in his second such report, he took the idea that the silkworm was susceptible to a parasite and claimed it as his own!
There are books written about this plagiarism (Pasteur Exposed (once published as Bechamp or Pasteur? by Ethel Douglas Hume, and The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur (previously published as Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter) by R. Pearson.
Bechamp, the Thorough Scientist
Bechamp was known for having the, "faculty for taking infinite pains1," and some theorize that this attention to detail and focus was foundational to his genius and the many discoveries - including the "health of the host" that he made.
1.) Bechamp, Antoine, The Blood and it's Third Element, Introduction by D.L. Major published by 2020
For another way to avoid what might kill beneficial bacteria, see "Grow Your Own"
For specifics on Antibiotics and 5 reasons we need probiotics...