Is Sugar Really So Bad?
Legit Reasons to Abstain – and Encouragement!
For me, keeping away from sugar has become – pretty much – a habit. Yet I find the more that I indulge in this season, the easier it becomes to eat more sugar! Sometimes I need a
reminder of exactly why I need to stay away – as well as a substitute so that I feel satisfied even when I stay away! (I am working with some amazing people to bring you a Book, Course(s) and eBooks in 2018 to make it easy for you to be healthier – and learn the #HealthHacks so you too can feel great and have more energy! Watch for these and their intro specials as YOU will get the best deals!)
Sugar Feeds the “Bad Guys”
In our house, when anyone begins to come down with something we stay away from sugar. Why? Because, just like in a petri dish, bacteria needs the right environment to grow – a medium (mucous), the right temperature (body temperature is ideal), as well as food – most bad bacteria feeds well on sugar!
I find that many people know that there is some research on Vitamin C as it relates to colds – so the first thing they do when they feel a cold coming on this time of the year is eat an orange – or, since we live in SoCal – three! I find this is the worst thing I can do If I feel a little under the weather as the sugar feeds the bacteria and tomorrow I will find myself feeling worse! #AvoidSugarandCarbs when you get exposed to a bug – and watch yourself feeling better tomorrow!
(A little off the topic of sugar – but since you want to feel better even if exposed to a sick person this time of the year, another trick in our family is to take Nature’s Way #RapiDefense – yes, it has been so effective for our family that I am adding it as a #HealthHack! Adults take one capsule with a meal and in 24 hours I decide if I need a second one – usually I don’t! It has been the most effective product I have found in keeping me from getting whatever cold or flu happens to be going around!)
Sugar Is Addictive
None of us want to feel as though someone or something else controls us… Yet, if sugar is physically addicting to us – who is really in control?
Can you say, “No”?
What a great feeling!! YOU are the one in control!
The research behind the above statements will be available HERE on my site post…
Research –
and reminding myself of what refined sugar does to my body
helps keep me on track
– what keeps you on track? email me your ideas at: