Host health, environment, and health hacks are the three pillars and today's episode explains a tiny yet very big part of the first. The latest estimate of let's look at research, thinkers, traditions, and the evidence around us, which seems to show that all of our life, and our whole environment, are so dependent upon bacteria that our design requires that we take care of these bacteria in the human body. Some speculate that we may be more bacteria than human because
we have more bacteria than cells.
We have bacteria everywhere in our body, in our mouth saliva. On our teeth in our small intestines, but the colon alone has two times the bacteria of any other organ. I remember the leaders in healing with natural methods from the seventies and eighties saying that all disease starts in the colon.
And I know this has been confirmed by things happening today, where we realize that the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Well, I think it's Dr. Perlmutter who says that we used to think it was our second brain. Now we're starting to think it's our first brain.
But Perlmutter also quotes that he can trace
Parkinson's disease to too many antibiotics over the course of a life. He quotes a study from Finland in the journal of the international Parkinson and movement disorders society.
They looked at 54,000 people and found 40,000 people without Parkinson's disease. And compared them to the 13,900 with Parkinson's and found it very likely that antibiotics are a contributor. Total tetracycline exposure, 10 to 15 years before getting Parkinson's. Was shown to be a factor. Sulfonamides and trimethoprim and antifungal medications, one to five years earlier, were also shown to make one more likely to have Parkinson's than those who didn't have it.
The scientist showed a 95% confidence interval that killing the bacteria with antibiotics could really lead to disease. Could killing off our bacteria, be tantamount to killing ourselves? Have you heard of MRSA? It's a deadly flesh-eating bacteria that is said to be around because we've used antibiotics too much over the years in our animal feed, pesticides and drugs.
Beneficial bacteria is not a new idea and several great scientists have come to the same conclusion. Many years ago, during the days of Louis Pasteur, there was a man named Antoine Bechamp whose lifelong research confirmed that we are surrounded by a sea of germs or bacteria. That could keep us healthy.
He considered that these bacteria were part of the host. They were part of what made up the host. So much so that he coined the expression that I use for the first pillar, host health or health of the host. Bechamp found that if the bacteria was healthy, the host was healthy. If a virus caused sickness and was the only factor then everyone would catch a virus that's going around. Yet we're seeing that that's not the case. As we saw with the recent virus that went around, some got very sick. Some it hardly bothered. Right now, as it seems many are getting a little sick. The virus seems to be going through the normal process of getting easier to catch and that the same time, less dangerous before it goes away.
I believe that is the way we were designed. And it is part of the process of how herd immunity develops. Your immune system matures, to how to handle a specific virus through the experience of handling it, it creates antibodies. What is interesting is there is some research that shows when a person is in a room with one who has gained natural immunity,
they confer or give a bit of those antibodies to the person they are with. Is that wild? Maybe we do need to be with other people.
Watching this virus has shown us a few things. One is that not everyone who gets it gets very sick. The ones who have compromised immune systems are the most at risk. We know that the virus cannot be the only factor is sometimes people get sick,
sometimes they don't and there are differing degrees of illness. If you have a healthy host. It means that you have a strong immune system. So what makes the difference? Does science know? If it seems like science doesn't know, history proves otherwise in the days of Louis Pasteur, remember him? The guy credited with the discovery of germs and the theory of disease that goes along with it and is now accepted as unquestioned gospel? There was another scientist who somehow didn't make it into our history books. Antoine Bechamp's last work was called The Blood and Its Third Element. This book was recently reprinted and I bought a copy and I want to read to you how it opens.
" This book is the last work by professor Antoine Bechamp a man who should by rights be regarded today as one of the founders of modern medicine and biology. History, however is written by the winners and too often has little to do with the truth. The career of Antoine Bechamp and the manner in which both he and his work had been written out of history are evidence of this" and quote.
So,Bechamp was the first one we know of to come up with the idea that we need to take care of our bacteria. To live healthy. And his ideas were so far from the day's narrative that he was canceled or fact checked. Was Bechamp the only one to think we were made up of bacteria? Rife was the next one to come up with this idea as he had a stronger microscope.
Continuing from the introductory quote I just gave. " The United States during the 1920s and 1930s, Royal Rife's microscope revealed processes of life, which confused, many of Rife's contemporaries. But would have made perfect sense to Bechamp. The medical establishment, however, was disturbed by Rife's discoveries, especially so when he began curing diseases,
Including cancer with electromagnetic frequencies. Rife and his discoveries were soon consigned to that special anonymity that is reserved for those who threaten the status quo unquote.
How dare he threaten the status quo!
My purpose here is to get you healthier. So I will not focus on all the evidence of malfeasance over the years.
Just know that it can be enlightening to see the bigger picture. So I'll include a little bit that you can research for yourself. Find a private search engine and search October 2020 truth initiative on DuckDuckGo or, any other private search engine.
The media and social media platforms agreed to the truth initiative. They agreed to stop any information that questioned vaccines or election integrity. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. One is because there are those who argue that what Rife did was impossible. It was impossible for Rife to look at bacteria that was still alive through his microscope without killing it. ' After all, we can't do that today' today's electron microscopes would kill the bacteria they try to look at, or they kill it first. So they look at it when it's not living anymore.
Interesting. I hadn't even really thought about it, but we do have microscopy microscopes. They're not typically used in the medical community, but they do look at live blood. So, I guess what Rife did, wasn't impossible. It just wasn't popular. The second reason is even more disturbing than someone doing the impossible. Yet it does make sense inside of, in the light of history that if your immune system can provide the protection you need then drugs and expensive treatments are really not necessary. There might be people in industries that wouldn't want you to know that.
That might want to protect the current narrative by squashing information that may threaten the status quo. To be honest, that held me back from starting this podcast for at least two years. Back to the topic at hand. Rife's story and inventions are fascinating. I'll leave a link on the show notes to him as well. So beneficial bacteria is not a new idea. In that intro to his book. Major continues by introducing us to other researchers that you may not have heard of who came up with the same ideas as Bechamp. Just with different names. He says, and I quote.
"Contemporary researchers whose work connects with that of Bechamp include Naessons whose somatids are without doubt what Bechamp described as microzymas. Naessons has gone further than Bechamp though aided by his revolutionary microscope technology. And as I identified the various stages of a somatid life cycle. Just recently Dr. Phillipa Uwins and the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis at the university of Queensland in Australia has been making headlines with her work documenting the existence of nanobes which she describes as involving morphological and micro structural characterization of novel nano organisms.
As I read this again. Morphological. That means that the bacteria can morph. This was another idea that Becha mp had, that has bee dismissed for a long time, but it's interesting that now it's coming back to life.
One can't help, but think that Bechamp, Rife, Naessons and Dr. Uwins are all talking about the same thing.
There is no single cause of disease. The ancients thought about this, Bechamp proved it and was written out of history for his trouble. Unquote.
There is a big movement these days however, that is revealing that probiotics, beneficial bacteria, micro flora, microbiome, and nano organisms may be talking about the same thing. All these researchers with the same idea under different names. Is it possible? Let's consider one more example. In a compost heap, there is bacteria.
Just like a healthy intestinal tract, the percentage of good guys to bad guys is similar. I use the term good guys and bad guys, loosel - even so-called pathogenic bacteria serves a purpose. In a compost heap. We know that the most pathogenic bacteria can be naturally overcome, brought into balance by the good guys.
Here is a story from another amazing book, one of my top gardening books, Pay Dirt, and you'll see how it relates. In J. I. Rodale's words from 1945, not mine. He says on plant disease and insect pests... In order to cope with this problem, it would help a great deal. If the farmer and gardener.
Tried to study cause and effect.
First of all, what causes plant diseases? Most of them are caused by bacteria, fungi and other microscopic disease producing organisms.
Do these organisms directly bring about the disease? The answer probably is yes, but then the question arises. Why do these organisms attack certain plants and leave others alone?
Let's consider a human being. The mouth of an average person, even after he's cleaned his teeth teams with bacteria. When bodily resistance gets low, some of these germs or viruses may bring out a cold. But some people can harbor quantities of identical disease causing organisms without ever contracting a cold.
It is said that practically everybody carries tuberculosis germs in the body. But comparatively few succumb to the disease. The plant world presents a parallel solution.
In the human body, resistance is chiefly built up by eating a varied diet of good food. Even though our food today is more or less unsatisfactory. A person receiving a rounded diet is healthier and better able to resist disease than one who lives on an unbalanced diet, other things being equal. The food of the plant comes from the soil where it is pre digested before ingestion takes place through the roots."
I'm going to stop the quote right here, just because it occurred to me we are able to resist disease. I'll never forget when my two year old nephew was at LAX. And saw a piece of candy on the floor. And before we could get it from him, he had bent down, picked it up and stuffed it in his mouth.
I remember praying for him over and over a Lord. Let him live. And he did answer that prayer, but I don't know. Maybe the five second rule is for a reason - maybe that helps give us more bacteria, that our body learns to fight. Just an idea. No, I continue with the quote. "We have shown that earthworms, bacteria, fungi, and many other microorganisms play a prominent part in breaking down organic matter and preparing it for the roots.
It has been demonstrated beyond question that the use of strong chemicals inhibits the action of these microbes and that where practically no organic matter is used and dependence is entirely on chemical fertilizers, the plant is apt not to be healthy." Unquote.
Then Rodale goes on to quote, sir, Albert Howard, the great researcher on the importance of healthy soil for plant animal and human health from organic gardening in 1942.
"In 1934, I purchased a house. The garden of which was completely worn out through no fault of the previous owner. It was a veritable pathological museum. The fruit trees in particular were smothered with every kind of blight steps were taken to convert the vegetable waste into humus with the help of stable litter.
Even after one year, the pests began to retreat. In three years, all had disappeared. The wooly aphis on one apple tree being the last to leave. During this period, no insecticides or fungicides were used and no disease material was ever destroyed. It was all converted into humus" unquote. And I think of our apple trees. We've got several apple trees in our backyard and we compost.
Regularly, but we put it under our trees, maybe every couple of years. But it is interesting that after all these years and all those apples that have fallen on the ground, We don't have a big problem with what are those bugs that get into the apples, even though our apples are organic. I can't remember finding one bug.
In an apple. And I have to believe that the bugs aren't trying to bring the apple tree down to the ground. I think it does that to things that are trees and plants that are unhealthy. To nourish the soil so that the compost can feed the next generation.
But I want you to think of insecticides as the antibiotics that they are.
Some of them, like glyphosate or Roundup is patented as an antibiotic. And the FDA has said it's a carcinogen. And they've sold a pound of carcinogen in 2019 for every man, woman and child in this country. And yet when the FDA required that they put that on the label, they went back to court and fought them. So they didn't have to put it on the label.
Anyway. Even without antibiotics, this disease farm was able to overcome the many pathogens by giving it the right soil nourishment. J.I. Rodale gives many examples by others of the good guys overcoming the bad guys. So what if inside the human body, we could overcome disease by having the right gut flora?
that this is what is meant by Bechamp's term health of the host. And this is foundational to staying healthy and quite possibly more important than what one is exposed to.
Bechamp called the quote microbium or germ theory of disease, the greatest scientific silliness of the age", unquote. Wait, what?. Everything we've heard in the newspaper and seen on the news lately has made us think that germs caused disease. How can a respected scientist and author, say it is silly to think that?
Yet, If we look at the world around us with honest open eyes, we will begin to question the idea that every disease is caused by germs without considering the health of the host that is exposed. This is a concept I teach more simply in my high school health class and if you know that you want your children to understand this, I'll include a link for my health class, so you can help them to strengthen their immune system.
Oh, you know what? I'll also post a link from my site where you can share with your young people, as it gives
an example from our mini farm of how host health works in chickens.
So consider this, have you fermented veggies or made sauerkraut? Just like sourdough many use a starter to start the fermentation process.
One of the most surprising things that has made me think deeply on this is that there is bacteria naturally on a cabbage leaf that can be a sauerkraut starter. Let's say you grow a cabbage in your garden in compost. You use no chemicals to grow it. This vegetable grown naturally in your garden has so much beneficial bacteria on it that you can make sauerkraut with it without a starter, then I'll leave a link in the show notes to that too. Every traditional society seems to have a type of food that provides probiotics or beneficial bacteria. Germans had sauerkraut Koreans have kimchi. Japanese puffer fish and fermented shark. Fermented soy is natto. Oh, that's interesting. And think about the puffer fish, right? The puffer fish is.
Toxic or poisonous if you eat it by itself. But the way the Japanese eat it is fermented. And then it loses that toxicity. Which reminds me of soy fermented soy is natto. That's probably the only way I'll touch soy now. But you get the idea. Every society has those kinds of probiotics.
I've also seen a picture that's amazing that shows the importance of the variety of bacteria on the skin. They've looked at healthy skin under a microscope and found a tremendous variety of bacteria. And then they looked at a diseased leg under a microscope and found it had very few strains of bacteria.
Wow, which leads me to consider, can we sanitize our way to health? What about our inclination to want to destroy bad bacteria? We are encouraged to kill bacteria. Everywhere. Hand sanitizer is offered at every store they're considered negligent if they don't. But do we even know what happens to our body when we do that?
Do we really know what killing bacteria does? Do we really know what killing bacteria with an antibacterial ingredient does to our beneficial bacteria? Hand sanitizer is a form of antibiotics. Research shows a destroys much of your protective, beneficial flora and can compromise your immune system.
Dr. Perlmutter has seen people with Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis. That always seemed to have histories of repeated antibiotics. He's even found some cases reversed by putting the bacteria back in. Bechamp with his health of the host theory and microzymas, Naessons with the idea of somatids, Rife with his healing microscopes, Uwins with her research on nanobes, the cabbage in your garden, in your compost and on a healthy leg are rich in the variety of bacteria and show you that these little guys are all around us. So here's just one more thing to consider. In Latin anti means against.
Bio means life. Antibiotics are literally against life.
Beneficial bacteria may be a critical Component to host health and why a virus doesn't make everyone sick.
And I leave you with this. Consider. If we have more bacteria than cells, Would killing our bacteria kill us?