Simple Seed Saving
C. Pepo
My favorite species to Hand-Pollinate is C. Pepo and great for a beginner to learn with! The family of C. pepo includes almost all of your favorite squashes, like zucchini, small sugar pie pumpkin, yellow crookneck squash, patty-pan, cocozelle; and even some winter squashes are cucurbita pepo like New England sugar pie pumpkin, howden and other Jack-O-Lantern pumpkins, acorn squash, spaghetti squash; and even gourds!

Seed Saving for some plants are simple. With an inbreeding plant like Tomatoes one can save a beautiful ripe fruit and save the seeds with a high likelihood of the plants from those seeds producing very similar Tomatoes. A Tomato Flower has both the male and female parts in one flower. A bee could cross-pollinate two different types of Tomatoes, but the flower is not dependent upon the bee to produce the fruit. A simple way to enhance the process of pollination with Tomatoes is to daily or occasionally shake the plant.